Congrats to co-first authors Joon, Alberto, and Mindy on the publication of their manuscript: Distinct beta-arrestin coupling and intracellular trafficking of metabotropic glutamate receptor homo- and heterodimers.
What a great paper!!
Congrats to co-first authors Joon, Alberto, and Mindy on the publication of their manuscript: Distinct beta-arrestin coupling and intracellular trafficking of metabotropic glutamate receptor homo- and heterodimers.
What a great paper!!
Alberto recently won the poster prize at the TPCB retreat, and just had a new paper posted on ChemRxiv!
The lab welcomes postdoctoral fellows Luca Posa, PhD./PharmD., and Silvia Martinelli, PhD. as well as laboratory technicians Kevin Huynh and Akshara Vijay to the lab. Check out our People tab to learn more about their background and work. We are excited about all of our new members joining this summer!
The lab has 3 new papers posted to bioRxiv, including our first foray into cryo-EM!
Congrats to all the authors!!!
The lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Ipsit Srivastava, PhD., as well as laboratory technician Iram Arefin to the lab. Check out our People tab to learn more about their background and work. We are excited about all of our new members joining this fall!
The lab welcomes graduate students Alexa Strauss, Matthew Bredder, and Giovanna Romano, as well as laboratory technician Mindy Kristt to the lab. Check out our People tab to learn more about their background and work. We are excited about all of our new members joining this summer!
Congrats to lab members Vanessa Gutzeit and Joon Lee on the new publication in Chemical Science titled “Interrogating surface versus intracellular transmembrane receptor populations using cell-impermeable SNAP-tag substrates”. Great collaborative work that can be found here:!divAbstract
Congrats to graduate student Vanessa Gutzeit on her awarded NRSA pre-doctoral fellowship!
The lab is happy to announce the publication of postdoc Joon Lee, with co-authors postdoc Hermany Munguba, graduate student Vanessa Gutzeit, and undergraduate student Mindy Kristt on the homo- and hetero-dimerization of mGluRs out in Cell Reports:
Congrats to graduate students and co-first authors Amanda Acosta-Ruiz and Vanessa Gutzeit, and the lab, on their new paper published in Neuron: Branched Photoswitchable Tethered Ligands Enable Ultra-efficient Optical Control and Detection of G Protein-Coupled Receptors In Vivo. DOI:
The lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Dr. Hermany Munguba, who will be working in both the Levitz and Dr. Conor Liston laboratories.
The lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Dr. Guoqing Xiang, who will be working in both the Levitz and Dr. Francis Lee laboratories.
Thank you Georgia for a great summer in the lab!
Congrats to the lab, especially graduate students Vanessa Gutzeit and Jordana Thibado, on a new publication in eLife: Conformational dynamics between transmembrane domains and allosteric modulation of a metabotropic glutamate receptor. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.45116
An inter-TMD FRET assay reveals LBD-independent reorientation in response to positive allosteric modulators.
Graduate student Amanda Acosta-Ruiz and Dr. Levitz, in collaboration with Dr. Broichhagen, published a chapter in G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling: Optical Regulation of Class C GPCRs by Photoswitchable Orthogonal Remotely Tethered Ligands.
Principle of PORTL-mediated Optical Control of Class C GPCRs.
Congrats to graduate student Nohely Abreu for passing her Admission to Candidacy (ACE) exam!
Our paper on nanobody-mediated optical control of a GPCR is published in ACS Chemical Biology. Find it here:
Jordana presented a poster titled "Optical Probing of Class C G Protein-Coupled Receptor Structure and Function" at the Protein Society Annual Symposium in Boston.
A review by Dr. Levitz titled "Glutamatergic Signaling in the Central Nervous System: Ionotropic and Metabotropic Receptors in Concert" was published this week in Neuron. Find it here:
The lab enjoyed plenty of sunshine and great food at our lab outing!
The lab with our summer undergrads and baby Izzy.