New paper out in Science Advances by Joshua Levitz

Congrats to co-first authors Joon, Alberto, and Mindy on the publication of their manuscript: Distinct beta-arrestin coupling and intracellular trafficking of metabotropic glutamate receptor homo- and heterodimers.

What a great paper!!

Welcome New Lab Members! by Joshua Levitz

The lab welcomes postdoctoral fellows Luca Posa, PhD./PharmD., and Silvia Martinelli, PhD. as well as laboratory technicians Kevin Huynh and Akshara Vijay to the lab. Check out our People tab to learn more about their background and work. We are excited about all of our new members joining this summer!

New papers on bioRxiv! by Joshua Levitz

The lab has 3 new papers posted to bioRxiv, including our first foray into cryo-EM!

Congrats to all the authors!!!

Welcome New Lab Members! by Joshua Levitz

The lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Ipsit Srivastava, PhD., as well as laboratory technician Iram Arefin to the lab. Check out our People tab to learn more about their background and work. We are excited about all of our new members joining this fall!

Welcome New Lab Members! by Joshua Levitz

The lab welcomes graduate students Alexa Strauss, Matthew Bredder, and Giovanna Romano, as well as laboratory technician Mindy Kristt to the lab. Check out our People tab to learn more about their background and work. We are excited about all of our new members joining this summer!

New publication on developing cell-impermeable SNAP-tag substrates by Joshua Levitz

Congrats to lab members Vanessa Gutzeit and Joon Lee on the new publication in Chemical Science titled “Interrogating surface versus intracellular transmembrane receptor populations using cell-impermeable SNAP-tag substrates”. Great collaborative work that can be found here:!divAbstract
