Congrats to Jordana on passing her ACE! Her talk was titled "Deciphering Transmembrane Domain Assembly and Conformational Dynamics in Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors".
Welcome Graduate student Nohely Abreu /
Nohely Abreu has officially joined the lab! She is a biochemistry graduate student with a B.A. in Neuroscience from Queens College. Nohely has also been awarded a NIH Graduate Research Fellowship in 2017.
Vanessa passes Admission to Candidacy Exam! /
Congrats to Vanessa on passing her ACE! Her talk was titled "Elucidating the Role of Group II mGluRs in Prefrontal Cortex Circuitry in a Stress Induced Model of Anxiety and Depression".
Welcome Postdoctoral fellow Joon Lee /
Joon Lee has officially joined the lab! He has a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from UC San Diego and a B.S. and M.S. in Chemistry from Yonsei University, Korea.
Amanda passes Admission to Candidacy Exam! /
Congrats to Amanda on passing her ACE! Her talk was titled "Probing the Induction Mechanism of mGluR-mediated Long Term Depression".
Vanessa wins 2nd place in neuroscience program poster competition /
Congrats to Vanessa on winning 2nd place in the neuroscience program poster competition at the annual program retreat. Her poster was titled "Optogenetic Studies of Prefrontal Cortex Neuromodulation by Metabatropic Glutamate Receptors".
Welcome Graduate student Jordana Thibado /
Jordana Thibado has officially joined the lab! She is a biophysics graduate student with a B.S. in Chemistry from University of Arkansas. Jordana has also been awarded a NIH Graduate Research Fellowship in 2017.
Dr. Levitz receives NIH R35 Grant /
Dr. Joshua Levitz has been awarded the NIH R35 for his grant Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic G Protein-Coupled Receptors.
Welcome Graduate student Vanessa Gutzeit /
Vanessa Gutzeit has officially joined the lab! She is a neuroscience graduate student with a B.S. in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology from Emory University.
Welcome Graduate student Amanda Acosta-Ruiz /
Amanda Acosta-Ruiz has officially joined the lab! She is a biochemistry graduate student with a B.A. in Biology from University of Pennsylvania.
Welcome /
We are excited to start new and exciting research in the Levitz lab!